Staff Directory


Photo of Lon Bosch

Mr. Lon Bosch

Vice Principal

Photo of Neal Siedlecki

Mr. Neal Siedlecki


Administrative Assistant

Photo of Cheryl Aasman

Mrs. Cheryl Aasman

Administrative Assistant

Photo of Andrea Finlay

Mrs. Andrea Finlay

Administrative Assistant

Photo of Kaleigh Haslbeck

Mrs. Kaleigh Haslbeck

Administrative Assistant

placeholder image for Christine Ziegenhagel

Mrs. Christine Ziegenhagel

Administrative assistant

Student Services/Learning Services Facilitator

Photo of Monique Hosanee

Mrs. Monique Hosanee

Learning Support Teacher


Photo of Kim Rae

Kim Rae

Counsellors, Teachers

Photo of Lori-Ann Sawatsky

Lori-Ann Sawatsky

School Liaison Counsellor

Support Staff

Photo of Samantha Bachmeier

Samantha Bachmeier

Photo of Ashley Fisher

Mrs. Ashley Fisher

Community Coming Together

Photo of Kim Letkeman

Kim Letkeman

Resource Resiliency Worker

Phone: 403-527-5118 Ext. 1624

Photo of Gabe Sas

Gabe Sas

Photo of Alyssa Schimpf

Alyssa Schimpf


Photo of Rob Aberle

Rob Aberle

Photo of Nathan Bechtold

Nathan Bechtold

Photo of Kirsten Blasetti

Kirsten Blasetti

Photo of Lisa Clemens

Lisa Clemens

Photo of Sheldon Coderre

Sheldon Coderre

Photo of Wayne Deis

Wayne Deis

Photo of Carly Desjarlais

Carly Desjarlais

Photo of Scott Duchscherer

Scott Duchscherer

Photo of Chad Gans

Chad Gans

Phone: 403-527-5118

Photo of Courtney Irwin

Courtney Irwin

Photo of Rhonda Klein

Rhonda Klein

Photo of Abygail Larochelle

Abygail Larochelle

Photo of Rob McDonnell

Rob McDonnell

Photo of Greg Penney

Greg Penney

Photo of Jaimie Purcell

Jaimie Purcell

Photo of Kim Rae

Kim Rae

Photo of Cole Schreiber

Cole Schreiber

Photo of Tyler Stahl

Tyler Stahl

Photo of Kennedy Werre

Kennedy Werre

Photo of Ashley Wood

Ashley Wood


placeholder image for Jaime Franco

Jaime Franco

placeholder image for Robert O'Brien

Robert O'Brien